

Because you always want to improve your results
Time management research made easy
RunTheDay - Valuable insight into time spending Valuable insight into time spending
RunTheDay - Gather data cost effective from many participants Gather data cost effective from many participants
RunTheDay - To improve processes or services To improve processes or services
RunTheDay - To determine norm-times To determine norm-times
Discover RunTheDay and make decisions based on facts
A disruptive tool that saves you time and money
RunTheDay makes gathering data fast and very easy. On the RunTheDay platform you can invite many participants to take measurements. Within a few seconds, participants can start collecting data. With RunTheDay app on their own smartphone, they can easily measure time spending versus results.
RunTheDay - App to measure time spending versus results
The results are real-time visible in your own dashboard. You get ready-to-use overviews and analyses or you can create your own reports. RunTheDay helps you to take measurements and collect valuable data at speed to increase your insights and improve your results in time management.
RunTheDay - Gathered data real-time visible in your own dashboard
Design your own time management research in 3 steps
Increase your insights and achieve more
RunTheDay - Step 1: Define your time study scope and goals Define your time study scope and goals
RunTheDay - Step 2: Invite the participants to gather data Invite the participants to gather data
RunTheDay - Step 3: Receive data instantly via their smartphone Receive data instantly via their smartphone
Complete insights through your RunTheDay dashboard
Real-time insight into time spending and results
Automatic visualisations and reports
Export your data to make your own analyses
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